Cultural Center "Gilbert de Venables" Subscription 2025
The Cultural Center "Gilbert de Venables" is an association governed by the French "1901" law.
It brings together those who are passionated about the cultural development of the historical heritage of the village of Venables and to develop international relations between the worldwide living Venables families and the village de Venables.
Centre Culturel "Gilbert de Venables",
Townhall of VENABLES,
Place de la Libération - 27940 LES TROIS LACS - France
Email: info @
SIREN: 905246427 - NAF: 9499Z
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(- (= myProducts[].promotion.value =) %)
Aucun produit à afficher
(= products.length =) / (= pagination.count =) produits affichés
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(= deliveryAmount | rbsFormatPrice:'EUR':2:'fr_FR' =)